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    The Bible is the de facto standard for all church worship needs including sound and acoustics.

    2 Timothy 2:15

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Free Information and our Statement of Faith


Thank you for visiting this site. Here you will find some of the best knowledge in church acoustics and its impact on church sound systems anywhere.

Statement of Faith

Why does a sound consulting company on church sound have a statement of faith?

The sea of air between a person in a pew and a minister preaching the Gospel has many hidden obstacles that can undermine the efforts of a community to be a light in this world.  As Christians, this is our way of saying how seriously committed we are to making every house of worship a safe place where the Gospel can be presented as perfectly as possible.

The Bible is God’s word: The Bible is inspired by the God through the Holy Spirit without error in the original 66 books. The Bible is our authority.

The Trinity: There is one God, eternally existent in three distinct Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ: I affirm the deity of Jesus Christ from before creation, through Him all things were created, (John 1:1-3). Jesus descended from Heaven became a man, lived a perfect life to become the perfect sin sacrifice to atone for all of our sins. When Jesus died on the cross, he died for all of us. when Jesus rose from the dead, He rose for all of us. He became the way, the truth and the path to everlasting life.

Salvation by grace alone: The salvation of all people is by grace alone through faith.  When a person recognizes their sins and sinful nature, when a person understands the purpose of the sacrifice Jesus made for all people,  repents, and chooses to be a follower of Jesus Christ, they become Born Again.  We become new creatures in Him.  By accepting Jesus as Lord, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us to guide us in a new life in a relationship with God.  By faith, we become another light in the world by example as our love of God grows in our hearts, minds, and souls. 

Resurrection and judgment: All people are judged when they die. Those who are followers of Christ, their spirits go to heaven as Jesus told the thief on the cross. For those who do not know Jesus, there is a second judgment. Upon that judgment, there is both a resurrection and judgment where both the spirit and body will be sent to heaven or hell for eternity. Rev 20:11-15